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 Mexican Kitchen Vocabulary

La Cocina de Mexico - The Mexican Kitchen

Mexico has a very diverse cuisine culture. All regions serve up there own specialties from Mole Poblano in Puebla to Huevos Rancheros in Sonora to Cochinita Pibil in Yucatan. Below you'll find a list of basic items you may see on a menu or in a grocery store or you may browse through specialty dishes or learn traditional recipes from all areas of Mexico. Remember just because you've had a taco or enchilada doesn't mean you've experienced Mexican food, it only means you've scratched the surface of this countries traditional, culinary delights.

First let's begin with the basics; Carnes (meats), Pescado (fish) & Mariscos (shellfish), Legumbres (vegetables), Frutas (fruits) & Nueces (nuts), Bebidas (drinks), Especias (spices) & Condimentos (condiments), Postres (desserts) & Dulces (sweets).

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Fresh meat counter at a small restaurant in Acapulco
Cabra: Goat
Carne de Res: Beef
Carnero: Lamb
Hígado: Liver
Jamón: Ham
Lengua: Tongue
Pavo: Turkey
Pato: Duck
Pollo: Chicken
Puerco: Pork
Salchicha: Sausage
Ternera: Veal
Tocino: Bacon (sometimes salted pork)

Pescado y Mariscos
The fish market in Ensenada, Baja California
Abulón: Abalone
Atún: Tuna
Cabrilla: Sea Bass
Calamar Squid
Callos: Scallops
Camarones: Shrimp
Almejas: Clams
Cangrejo or Jaiba: Crab
Jurel: Yellowtail
Pargo: Snapper
Huachinango: Red Snapper
Langosta: Lobster
Ostiones: Oysters
Pez Espada: Swordfish
Tiburón: Shark
Lenguado: Flounder or Sole
Bulk chilis at this shop in La Paz, Baja California Sur
Aceitunas: Olives
Apio: Celery
Arroz: Rice
Betabeles: Beets
Calabazas: Pumpkins or Squash
Camotes: Sweet Potatoes
Cebolla: Onion
Cebollita: Green Onion
Chícharos: Peas
Champioñes: Mushrooms
Ejotes: String Beans
Elote: Corn on the Cob
Ensalada: Salad
Frijoles: Beans (cooked)
Lechuga: Lettuce
Maiz: Corn off the Cob
Nopales: young Prickly Pear Cactus leaves
Pepino: Cucumber
Papas: Potatoes
Rábano: Radish
Repollo: Cabbage
Tomate: Tomato
Zanahoria: Carrot
Frutas y Nueces
Fresh vegetables in this modern store in Cancun
Aguacate: Avocado
Cacahuates: Peanuts
Coco: Coconut
Duraznos: Peaches
Fresas: Strawberries
Guayaba: Guava
Higo: Fig
Limón: Lime or Lemon
Manzana: Apple
Melón: Melon
Naranja: Orange
Nuez de Castilla: Walnuts
Piña: Pineapple
Plátano: Banana
Sandía: Watermelon
Toronja: Grapefruit
Uvas: Grapes
Drinks served with a smile in Playa del Carmen
Agua: Water
Aguardiente: Brandy
Cafe: Coffee
Cerveza: Beer
Crema: Cream
Ginebra:: Gin
Jugo de Naranja: Orange Juice
Leche: Milk
Refrescos: Soft Drinks
Ron: Rum
Té Caliente: Hot Tea
Té Helado: Iced Tea
Vino Blanco: White Wine
Vino de Champaña: Champagne
Vino Rosado: Rose Wine
Vino Tinto: Red Wine
Especias y Condimentos
Ajo: Garlic
Azucar: Sugar
Canela: Cinnamon
Cilantro: Fresh, Green Coriander
Mantequilla: Butter
Mayonesa: Mayonaise
Miél: Honey
Mostaza: Mustard
Parejíl: Parsley
Pimienta: Pepper
Sal: Salt
Vainilla: Vanilla
Postres y Dulces
Ice cream shop in San Jose del Cabo
Bolillos: French-style Rolls
Flan: Custard
Galletas: Cookies
Helado: Ice Cream
Paleta: Flavored Ice on a Stick
Pan Dulce: Sweet Bread
Pastel: Cake
Pay: Pie
Other Foods
Avena: Oatmeal
Caldo: Broth
Fideos: Noodles
Huevos: Eggs
Pan: Bread
Queso: Cheese
Sopa: Soup

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