Because The Name Of The Game Is Visibility
When considering where to spend your precious Internet advertising budget, the single most important issue is how to get the most visibility to your business. You can have the latest flash media and hottest graphics, but if no one goes to see your web site it's not generating any new sales. And that's where we come in. has been in business as an online information service about Mexico since 1993. specializes in information about Mexico, and only Mexico. And we cover it all, from Business Opportunities and Cultural Events, to Language Studies, Real Estate, Travel Destinations and everything in between. We know the business and have been around long enough (over 17 years!) to gain the respect of those around us, in the industry and in Mexico.
Above, a typical 24 hour period on about 73,500 page views mostly during midday, 18,500 unique visitors 85% from within the U.S. (log file analysis June, 2010)
How much does it cost, for the whole thing?
- Our web prices are a simple flat fee that includes all the design work, hosting and customer service, site submission and text updates for the entire year. Prices start at just $150 per year, see the rate sheet for details.
How do people find
- Your web page will be hosted on the oldest and most popular Mexico resource on the Internet. With over 4 million monthly page views, has established itself as the most visited English language Mexico site on the web. We have thousands of pages of relevant content, which makes it almost impossible not to find us on the Internet from any major commercial search or directory service. Plus we regularly appear in newspaper and magazine articles around the world, and are linked to from over 4,000 other sites on the Internet. Your ad takes full advantage of our years of visibility and experience.
How will people find my web page?
- First, your web page will be indexed into our various content and City Guide directories, depending on your type of business. You will also be indexed into our internal keyword search engine, which is used thousands of times a day for content searches. Not only that, but your page will be submitted to the leading search engines (Google, Yahoo & MSN) for no additional fee, which provides our clients with the best possible total marketing package, making sure you get found quickly and consistently.
How will I know if anyone is looking at my ad?
- Your web page will have it's own visitor counter, like an odometer, giving you an up to the minute picture of just how active your page really is. Keeping track of your monthly visitors lets you know which web service is providing you the real value for your money. Our typical client with a small, $150/yr. web page receives an average of 300 highly targeted monthly page views, many doing far better than that. Keep in mind that when users find and look at your web page on it's because they were specifically looking for the topic related to your service - those people most likely to become paying customers.

Our main focus is on the English speaking user and the North American audience, plus web savvy people from all over the world who rely on our content month after month.
Come armed with your toughest questions and let us show you how can help your business get the kind of Internet exposure you need to succeed! Almost half of our new clients come to us as referrals from other customers, and our existing clients renew at better than 90 percent. See how quickly we can get you noticed on the web!