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 Mexico Phone Number Directory - How to call Mexico

Useful phone numbers to help you get some specific information about Mexico from a variety of government and private agencies. We will continue to add to this list and appreciate any additional numbers which may be helpful.
Numbers listed include the full international code to access Mexico directly.

Primer for Dialing into and out of Mexico:

Let's say you want to call someone while you're in Los Cabos. The number you are going to dial depends upon where you are and what phone you are using. The rules for phone dialing are different for land line and cell phones.

Dialing within Mexico:
Land line to local land line phone - dial the seven digit number (i.e. 143-1234)
Land line to long distance land line phone - dial 01 then the ten digit number (i.e. 01-612-123-1234)
Land line to local cell phone - dial 044 then the ten digit number (i.e. 044-624-122-1234)
Land line to long distance cell phone - dial 045 then the ten digit number (i.e. 045-612-123-1234)
Cell phone to local or long distance land line - dial the ten digit number (i.e. 624-143-1234)
Cell phone to local or long distance cell phone - dial the ten digit number (i.e. 612-122-1234)

Dialing into Mexico:
To dial a land line phone - Dial 011-52 then the ten digit number (i.e. 011-52-624-143-1234)
To dial a cell phone - Dial 011-52-1 then the ten digit number (i.e. 011-52-1-624-122-1234)

Dialing from Mexico to the US/Canada
Dial 001 then the ten digit number (i.e. 001-303-333-3333)

Dialing from Mexico to the rest of the world
Dial 00 then the Country Code and phone number

Dialing US Toll Free Numbers
For 800 numbers - dial 001-880 then the seven digit number
For 866 numbers - dial 001-883 then the seven digit number
For 877 numbers - dial 001-882 then the seven digit number
For 888 numbers - dial 001-881 then the seven digit number

List of Mexico's newly updated Area Codes

Telephone numbers below updated 12/18/2014

American Society of Mexico: 011-52 (55) 5277-5875
     Information from Americans who are living in Mexico.

Association of Mexican Banks: 011-52 (55) 5722-4300
Mexican Automotive Industry Association: 011-52 (55) 5272-1144
Border Trade Alliance: U.S. (202) 386-9653
      Promoting trade along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Canacintra: 011-52 (55) 5482-3000
      The Mexican National Chamber of Industry & Manufacturing.
Consulates of Mexico, in the United States & Canada.
Embassies & Chambers of Commerce, both of Mexico & various other nations.
FONATUR: 011-52 (55) 5090-4200
     Offering foreign investment in Mexico's tourism industry.
Mexican Association of Realtors - AMPI: 011-52 (55) 5566-4260
     Most real estate office belong to this association.
Mexican Franchise Association: 011-52 (55) 5661-2040
      Provides information about franchising in Mexico.

Mexican Government Tourism: U.S. (800) 44-MEXICO
      The Department of Tourism offering information on Mexico.
Missing Persons Hotline in Mexico (Províctima): 011-52 (55) 1000-2000
National Museum of Anthropology: 011-52 (55) 4040-5300
PROFECO (Consumer Protection): 011-52 (55) 5568-8722
      Protects foreign tourists & residents.
PROMEXICO: 011-52 (55) 5447 7070
      Supporting international business & investment in Mexico.
San Antonio Economic Development Foundation: U.S. (210) 226-1394
      Develops and promotes trade with Mexico.
SEMARNAT: 011-52 (55) 5490-0900 Secretary of the Environment & Natural Resources.
State Tourism Offices in Mexico, provides information on particular states.
United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce: U.S. (703) 752-4751
      promoting business between the U.S. and Mexico..
World Trade Center of Mexico City: 011-52 (55) 9000-6000
      Business center & exposition area.

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